Pre & Post Cryo infrared Treadmill Instructions

How to prepare for your cryo treadmill session & aftercare advice:

Wear running shoes & gym clothes and bring plenty of water! It is a good idea to wear shorts to get full benefits of the Collagen lights inside the machine.

Before Session:

Stretching will prep your body to enhance the benefits of the infrared treadmill and to avoid any muscle cramps.

Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours prior to your session.

Drink lots of water before, during & after your session.

During Session:

Pause the machine and get out if you are starting to feel unwell, dizzy, or nauseous, and drink some water.

Keep your back straight while on the treadmill.

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Keep drinking more water.

After Session:

A cold shower afterwards is essential, to close pores and rinse sweat to avoid absorption of toxins.

Wear loose fitting clothes after your session.

Keep drinking water! It is essential to get rid of toxins.

**After each session your body will continue burning fat tissue for a few hours after.